Prime Digital Academy

product Analysis and redesign

Project overview

Prime Digital Academy is an immersive, 20-week certification program that prepares students to become valuable software engineers in the technology industry. The program is designed to gather skills through hands-on experience. Beyond technical skills and techniques, Prime also focuses on building the soft skills that can accelerate a students placement and advancement in a professional environment. Framing of this case study provided a scenario in which each student was presented with a water bottle on the first day of on-site coursework. Recently, Prime has gotten feedback that the welcoming gift to new students has been deemed “unusable and impersonal.”

design process


business intent

During the client kickoff meeting, keywords and phrases kept informing the business intent of the welcoming gift to the students. Prime wanted to make them feel welcomed, first and foremost, but also included and recognized. The welcome gift was also a vehicle to inspire ice breakers and connection points that could build relationships and the community.


the Water bottle

While conducting a heuristic analysis of the current welcoming gift, the research illuminated usability of the water bottle studentsClient decision to discard water bottle and move forward with a redesign.

(Add details, flesh this out.

Lacks emotional connection

Doesn’t evoke connection or a sense of belonging - name, cohort, prime brand connection

Doesn’t evoke a welcoming feeling - message, personalization

Doesn’t make them feel valued - inexpensive, disposable plastic feel